​Having major surgery is like running a marathon, so it's important to prepare for surgery to get the best outcomes and reduce the risk of developing some form of postoperative complication, which may impact on your recovery.
You may have many thoughts and questions running through your head, whether it is a minor, same-day procedure or a complex operation that requires you to stay in the hospital overnight. You may even feel anxious, confused, or scared.
While these emotions are normal and expected, there are things you can do to feel more comfortable and calm your nerves.​​​

How can you make sure you are healthy and ready for surgery?
As you prepare for surgery, do what you can in the months, weeks and days before to prepare mentally and physically.
Here are some things you can do to ensure you are ready:
Exercise and keep active
It's good to exercise and keep active, unless you have been told not to do this.
To get active, look at the NHS Better Health guide for getting active.
Stop smoking
Stopping smoking before any planned hospital treatment is the best thing you can do. It speeds up your recovery and has many other health benefits.
Smokefree Hampshire - Hythe Hospital is now one of the locations available for our patients to book an app to for face-to-face guidance and support.
Smoking Cessation Clinics are running on a Tuesday evening 6.30pm – 8pm at the Hythe Hospital.
Patients need to book via the link - www.smokefreehampshire.co.uk
Or call 0800 7723649/01264 563039 to make an appointment or text iQuit to 66777
Eat well
Eating healthy food and having a balanced diet helps you to keep well. For information about this, read the NHS Eat well guide for a healthy, balanced diet.
If you need to gain weight, we might prescribe you food supplements. To lose weight, download the free NHS Weight Loss Plan app or look at the NHS Better Health guide.
Talk to the team caring for you before you make changes to your diet. They can support you to reach, or keep to, a healthy weight safely. They also make sure that a change in diet does not affect any medicines you might take.
Further reading:
Healthy Eating Tips
Understanding the Risks of Dehydration and its Dangers
Drink less alcohol
Avoid drinking more than the recommended 14 units of alcohol each week, spread across 3 days or more. 14 units are equal to about 6 medium (175ml) glasses of wine or 6 pints of average-strength (4%) beer.
To drink less alcohol, download the Drink Free Days app or look at the NHS Better Health guide for drinking less.
Control your blood pressure
If you have high blood pressure, you can help to manage it by looking after your general health. If you're diagnosed with high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend taking medicines to keep it under control.
Read more about blood pressure on the NHS website.
Mental health support
Waiting for treatment can be a difficult and distressing time. Symptoms that affect your body can also sometimes affect your mental wellbeing. It's important to get support for this, too.
The NHS has a detailed guide about mental health. This guide includes information about mental health conditions, services and symptoms. It also has advice about life situations and self-help (things that you can do yourself to help your mental health).
Read more about mental health on the NHS website. You can also find out how to get urgent help.
You can also get advice and support from a GP or the hospital team caring for you.
While you wait for treatment, it's important to:
let the hospital team caring for you know if your condition changes or your symptoms get worse
tell the hospital team if you think you no longer need surgery
tell the hospital team (and your GP surgery) if your contact details change
read any information given to you about having surgery
read any information given to you about staying in hospital as an inpatient
look after your health
follow any advice given to you about how to prepare for surgery
go to all your arranged clinic/hospital appointments
keep taking your prescribed medicines, unless a GP or hospital doctor has told you not to do this
If you are worried about your recovery
The general practice nurse at your GP surgery can give you advice after surgery. They might be able to help with any complications or difficulties that you have.
The hospital team who cared for you should arrange a follow-up appointment. They might give you information about the support available before or after your follow-up appointment, and when you should contact them.
Urgent help
If you have serious symptoms, or symptoms that are getting worse quickly, you need urgent care and advice using NHS 111. Go to 111.nhs.uk or call 111.
In an emergency, call 999 or go straight to your nearest emergency department (A&E).